What is the proceedure to transfer a .CO.ZA domain name?

If the domain is currently on the CO.ZA Legacy system:

Once you have completed a web hosting application form, a domain name transfer request will be sent off to the domain authority. The purpose of this transfer request is to update the DNS information for your domain name so that it will point to our network and your new hosting account.

Once the update request has been sent off, voting "tickets" will be sent to all the domain "guardians" as listed on the original registration form. In other words, the people listed as the Domain Owner, Administrative Contact, Billing Contact, etc, will all receive update tickets.

In order for the domain update to be successful, at least one of the "guardians" must accept the ticket. However, should any one of the "guardians" decline the update request, the update will be declined even if someone else has voted to accept the update.

The transfer of a .co.za domain name takes 24 hours from the time that a domain update has been sent off. Note: In order for the domain update to be successful first time around, it is strongly advised that you contact the company that is currently administering your domain name and inform them that you will be transferring your domain. This transfer request is usually required in writing.

If your current hosting company or ISP is not aware that you will be transferring your domain name, they will simply decline the update request which will lead to unnecessary delays. If you are unsure as to who the "guardians" of your domain name are, simply submit a ticket and we will provide you with this information.

If the domain is on the CO.ZA EPP system:

Once you have placed an order for the transfer of a domain on the EPP system, a transfer request will be sent to the registrant email address of the domain. The transfer will complete immediately once it has been accepted by the registrant. The registrant has 5 days to accept or deny the transfer. If no votes are received, the transfer will fail after 5 days.

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